How to create GDPR Message in Google Adsense - ‍Setup GDPR Message

As global regulations on consumer privacy and data collection continue to evolve, it has become increasingly important for publishers who are monetizing their content to utilize an IAB-compliant Consent Management Platform (CMP) to effectively manage consent messages for regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). A CMP makes it possible for websites and apps to publish consent messages, along with handling and collecting personal information from users in a scalable manner.

Setup GDPR Message Adsense

In this article, we will cover how easy it is to create a GDPR-compliant message for your website right within Google Ad Manager. Having the ability to create a GDPR message in GAM makes the entire process a lot easier for publishers that are using Google Publisher Tags (GPT). This is now all done in the Privacy & messaging section in Ad Manager. Privacy & messaging is the evolution of Funding Choices – Google’s official Consent Management Platform. Follow the below steps carefully to create a GDPR message in Google Adsense.

Setup GDPR Message

Step 1: Sign in to Adsense account and click on privacy and messaging options. After coming here click on create GDPR Message like below screenshot.

Step 2 : From here again click on create GDPR Message.

Step 3 : Now from here click on the select sites option at the top right side.

Step 4 : Now from here you setup your site name, privacy & policy link and site logo and click on confirm option below.

Step 5 : Turn on the Do not consent option from here. Nothing else to do, now click on the publish button.

If you still have trouble understanding after reading the article, then you can watch the video below. Hope there will be no more problems.

Hope you understand, this way you can setup GDPR Messages very easily. Stay with us for such latest tips and tricks.


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